
This module allows you to mention discount on total of sale order and customer invoice as percentage or as amount.

Sale Discount on Total Amount

Key Highlights

Global Discount In Sale.

Select Percentage or amount from Discount type and give discount percentage or amount as Discount rate.

Sale Discount on Total Amount

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Enable Sale Discount Approval and Discounts

The module also allows you to set a limit for total discount in percentage. Exceeding this limit will require approval.

Sale Order

Select Percentage or amount from Discount type and give discount percentage or amount as Discount rate.

Customer Invoice.

Select Percentage or amount from Discount type and give discount percentage or amount as Discount rate.

Manager level users can approve sale orders in 'Waiting Approval' stage.

Sale Order and Customer Invoice contains limit for total discount in percentage.

Manager level users can approve sale orders in 'Waiting Approval' stage.

Sale Discount on Total Amount

This module allows you to mention discount on total of sale order and customer invoice as percentage or as amount.

In the sale order or customer invoice, you can select the discount type as either Percentage or Amount from the "Discount Type" field. Based on this selection, you can enter the discount rate as a percentage or a fixed amount.

Yes, the module includes a configurable limit for the total discount that can be applied, based on a percentage. If the discount exceeds this limit, it requires manager approval.

By default, the module applies a global discount limit. However, additional customization may be needed if you want to apply different discount limits for specific customers or products.

Latest Release

01st November, 2024
  • Initial Commit

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