Verify whether the email of the partner or employee is valid.
Validates Employee and Customer Email Addresses.
Email Address of Partners in Odoo will remain Valid and Maintain Reliability in Address Details.
Email address of partners in odoo will remain valid and maintain reliability in address details.
The validation will be available in employee work email.
You must install following packages and make sure system is connected to the Internet for the proper execution of app.
Validates Employee and Customer Email Addresses.
The validation will be available for partner email as well as employee work email.
Supported in both Community & Enterprise.
While configuring a backup, selecting the Zip option will include the filestore in the backup, while choosing the Dump option will create a backup without the filestore.
Enable the "Remove Old Backups" option in the backup creation view to automatically delete previous backups based on the number of days specified.
Enable the "Notify User" option and specify a contact to receive an email containing a detailed report with the failure reason and backup details. This option will also send an email upon successful backup.
Select the backup destination as local storage and specify a backup path to a location on the system to create backups on your own system.