242 lines
6.4 KiB
242 lines
6.4 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# 1 : imports of python lib
from pathlib import Path
import json
import logging
import urllib
import os
import subprocess
import base64
import sys
import requests
# 2 : imports of odoo
from odoo import _, api, exceptions, fields, http, models, tools
from ..shell.sheller import async_run
from ..land.jsons import json_dumps
# 4 : variable declarations
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def log_it(msg):
def get_current_path():
#dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
dir_path = Path(__file__).resolve().parent
return dir_path
def get_value(data, key,default=None):
result = data.get(key)
if result is None:
result = default
return result
def contains_error(buf):
if "\"error\":" in buf:
return True
return False
def contains_success(buf):
if "'result': True" in buf:
return True
return False
# duplicate
def _quote_(value):
#return "\"{}\"".format(value)
return "\\\"{}\\\"".format(value)
def _key_str_value(key,value):
result = _quote_(key) +":" + _quote_(value)
return result
def _key_obj_value(key,value):
result = _quote_(key) +":" + "{ }" if value is None else value
return result
# sys.platform => 'darwin', 'linux', 'win32'
def _get_server_exe_name():
bin_app_fmt = "code-server-{}"
os = sys.platform
if 'win32' == os :
return bin_app_fmt.format(".exe")
if 'darwin' == os :
return bin_app_fmt.format("macos")
return bin_app_fmt.format("linux")
def _get_server_path():
path = get_current_path()
result = str(path.resolve().parent) + "/vendors/code-server/" + _get_server_exe_name()
return result
def _get_module_path():
path = get_current_path()
result = str(path.resolve().parent)
return result
def on_shell_echo(process, msg):
log_it("------------- on_shell_echo -------------")
ServerMaster.put_proc(str(process.pid), process)
# Class
class ServerMaster():
proc_set ={}
args = None
def put_proc(key,proc):
cached_proc = ServerMaster.proc_set.get(key)
if cached_proc is None:
ServerMaster.proc_set[key] = proc
def get_proc(key):
cached_proc = ServerMaster.proc_set.get(key)
return cached_proc
def get_proc_set():
return ServerMaster.proc_set
def getTargetServerPath():
return _get_server_path()
def startServer(args):
ServerMaster.args = args;
port = get_value(args,"port",3030)
doc_path = _get_module_path()
server = ServerMaster.getTargetServerPath()
cmd = "{} start --port={} --space={} --slient=true --focus=README.rst,__manifest__.py ".format(server,port, doc_path)
# return json string that print out by RPC server
return ServerMaster.warp_server(port)
# on_echo: procss, message ={stdout,stderr,exitcode}
def on_shell_echo(process, message):
log_it("------------- on_shell_echo -------------")
ServerMaster.put_proc(str(process.pid), process)
args = ServerMaster.args
if args is None or args.get('on_echo') is None:
return True
on_echo = args.get('on_echo')
return True
def getServers():
proc_set = ServerMaster.get_proc_set()
result =[]
if len(proc_set) <= 0:
return result
for key in list(proc_set.keys()):
x = proc_set[key]
exit_code = x.poll()
if not exit_code is None:
del proc_set[key]
item = {
"pid": x.pid,
"args": x.args,
except Exception as ex:
return result
def stopServer(args):
proc_set = ServerMaster.get_proc_set()
for x in proc_set.values():
except Exception as ex:
return True
#----------------- biz logic -----------------
def warp_server(port):
result = {
"url": "http://localhost:{}".format(port)
ServerMaster._server = result;
return result
def get_open_file_url(args):
dir = args.get("dir")
file = args.get("file")
server = ServerMaster._server
end_point = server.get("url")
url = "{}/folder?dir={}&file={}".format(end_point,dir,file)
return url
def get_server_info():
server = ServerMaster._server
headers = {"content-type":"application/json"}
#url = "http://localhost:3030/api/echo"
end_point = server.get("url")
url = "{}/api/info".format(end_point)
_logger.debug("get_server_info, url:%s",url)
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
json_response = response.json()
buf = json_dumps(json_response)
_logger.debug('server_is_running response: %s',buf)
return json_response
def post_folders(folders):
return ServerMaster._post_folders(folders)
except Exception as e:
_logger.error('failed post folders,error:%s', e)
return {}
def _post_folders(folders):
payload ={
data_buf = json_dumps(payload)
headers = {"content-type":"application/json"}
#url = "http://localhost:3030/api/folders"
end_point = ServerMaster._server.get("url")
url = "{}/api/folders".format(end_point)
response = requests.post(url, data=data_buf,headers=headers)
if response is None:
return {}
json_response = response.json()
buf = json_dumps(json_response)
_logger.debug('call_post_folders response: %s',buf)
return json_response